Capacity bounds are compared for four different deterministic models of wireless networks, representing four different ways of handling broadcast and superposition in the physical layer. In particular, the transport capacity under a multiple unicast traffic pattern is studied for a 1-D network of regularly spaced nodes on a line and for a 2-D network of nodes placed on a hexagonal lattice. The considered deterministic models are: (i) P/P, a model with exclusive transmission and reception, (ii) P/M, a model with simultaneous reception of the sum of the signals transmitted by all nearby nodes, (iii) B/P, a model with simultaneous transmission to all nearby nodes but exclusive reception, and (iv) B/M, a model with both simultaneous transmission and simultaneous reception. All four deterministic models are considered under half-duplex constraints. For the 1-D scenario, it is found that the transport capacity under B/M is twice that under P/P. For the 2-D scenario, it is found that the transport capacity under B/M is at least 2.5 times, and no more than six times, the transport capacity under P/P. The transport capacities under P/M and B/P fall between these bounds.
Julien Pierre Sacha Herzen, Nidhi Hegde