An extensive surface characterization of hydrofluoric acid (HF) etched and annealed SrTiO3 single crystals, vacuum-annealed below 300 degrees C, reveals the formation of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). A joint scanning tunneling spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction analysis allows us to associate the surface metallic state (characterized by the presence of a nonzero density of states close to the Fermi level) with the low-temperature-annealed highly ordered 1 x 1 reconstructed SrTiO3 surface hosting two-dimensional carriers. Meanwhile, a gap opens in the tunneling spectrum of 2 x 1 reconstructed, high-temperature-annealed surfaces. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy shows that the metallic state is associated with the surface formation of Ti3+. Recently published photoemission data demonstrated the formation of a 2DEG on the surface of cleaved SrTiO3, while scanning tunneling spectroscopy on crystals heated at high temperature revealed gaplike features: Our results can help reconcile this seemingly contradicting phenomenology observed so far by scanning tunneling spectroscopy and photoemission spectroscopy.
Andras Kis, Dumitru Dumcenco, Olivier Renault, Dmitrii Unuchek, Hokwon Kim, Nicolas Chevalier
Roland Widmer, Yi-Chiang Sun, Timur Kim, Samuel Thomas Stolz
Emmanouil Frantzeskakis, Ji Dai