The mathematical formulation of the continuum approach to radiative transfer modeling in two-phase semi-transparent media is numerically validated by comparing radiative fluxes computed by (i) direct, discrete-scale and (ii) continuum-scale approaches. The analysis is based on geometrical optics. The discrete-scale approach uses the Monte Carlo ray-tracing applied directly to real 3D geometry measured by computed tomography. The continuum-scale approach is based on a set of continuum-scale radiative transfer equations and associated radiative properties, and employs the Monte Carlo ray-tracing for computations of radiative fluxes and for computations of the radiative properties. The model two-phase media are reticulate porous ceramics and a particle packed bed, each composed of semitransparent solid and fluid phases. The results obtained by the two approaches are in good agreement within the limits of statistical uncertainty. The continuum-scale approach leads to a reduction in computational time by approximately one order of magnitude, and is therefore suited to treat radiative transfer problems in two-phase media in a wide range of engineering applications.
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