G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are ubiquitous mediators of signal transduction across cell membranes and constitute a very important class of therapeutic targets. The main mechanisms involving GPCR activation and signal transduction to the cell interior are understood but many of the processes which fine-tune GPCRs signalling need to be unraveled. The work performed in this thesis intended to develop new methods to study GPCRs in their native environment but in a simplified system compared to live cells. In this context, the tethering GPCR-containing membrane fragments on solid surfaces appeared to be interesting: it enabled studying the receptors in their real native environment with several high resolution imaging techniques and with the possibility to engineer and control the downstream intracellular signaling components. Two procedures have been established to produce plasma membrane supported on micrometer-sized porous beads or on microscope grids for fluorescence or electron microscopy studies. They have been applied in this thesis to study the Adenosine A2A receeptor (A2A) as a prototypical GPCR. The first procedure enabled the transfer of native membrane patches from live cells with an inside-out orientation onto lectin-coated beads. Using heterologously expressed A2ARs carrying a yellow fluorescent protein (A2AR-Citrine) we showed that the tethered membranes were simultaneously accessible from both sides and comprised fully functional receptors in terms of ligand and G protein binding. These beads were investigated by confocal (Chapter 2) and single molecule (Chapter 3) fluorescence microscopies to study agonist and antagonist binding to the A2AR and the assembly and disassembly of the ternary complexes agonist-A2AR-Gαβγ proteins. The interactions between the different signalling partners could be observed in real time using multicolor fluorescence microscopy. These beads were also used in collaboration with colleagues for screening ligand binding to other transmembrane receptors. The second procedure produced GPCRs-containing plasma membrane fragments ripped-off on electron microscope grids for investigation by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Chapter 4). This procedure was improved from an existing protocol in order to produce reproducibly and with a high yield large membrane sheets and to preserve the membrane-associated cytoskeleton during the ripping-off. A2AR-Citrine were specifically gold immuno-labelled on their extracellular terminus using the FLAG-tag or their intracellular side by targeting the protein Citrine. The high resolution of TEM showed that the gold immuno-labelled A2AR-Citrine clustered and compartmentalized on actin-based cytoskeletton. This approach provided the ability to sample multiple single cells on a single grid and presented excellent potential to probe and unravel the organization of protein signalling networks in direct association with the plasma membrane-associated cytoskeleton.
Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Françoise Gisou van der Goot Grunberg, Graham Knott, Kathryn Hess Bellwald, Laurence Gouzi Abrami, Luciano Andres Abriata, Béatrice Kunz, Sylvia Ho, Patrick Alain Sandoz, Catherine Maclachlan, Robin Alexander Denhardt-Eriksson, Gard Spreemann
Pierre Vogel, Henning Paul-Julius Stahlberg, Dongchun Ni, Babatunde Edukpe Ekundayo, Shuguang Yuan