The German PMW project and the European EGYC consortium are driving gyrotron developments for the two major plasma fusion experiments in Europe using ECRH, Wendelstein W7-X at Greifswald and the international ITER at Cadarache. 1 MW CW, 140 GHz conventional cavity gyrotrons have been developed and are being delivered to W7-X whereas advanced 2 MW CW, 170 GHz coaxial-cavity gyrotron technology has been tested for ITER. Additionally, an 1 MW, 170 GHz conventional cavity design is under development for ITER. Furthermore, research work on gyrotron concepts for future fusion experiments, focusing on frequency-step tunable gyrotrons and multi-MW coaxial-type gyrotrons is ongoing at Europe, in particular at KIT. This paper is reporting some of the important results and the ongoing research work.
Basil Duval, Emiliano Fable, Giovanni Tardini
Timothy Goodman, Stefano Alberti, Jean-Philippe Hogge, Jérémy Genoud, Francisco Sanchez, Konstantinos Avramidis