Since the introduction 10 years ago of the dissolution method, Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) became a widely applied and powerful technique to enhance nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals of low naturally abundant, insensitive nuclear spins for analytical chemistry and biomedical research. The aim of DNP is to obtain a very high degree of polarization on the nuclei of interest in cryogenic conditions (i.e. 1 K ), a hundred or more times higher than the thermal polarization. Then, trough a fast dissolution process the molecules hosting the nuclear spins are mixed in a room temperature solution and, since their polarization is conserved if their relaxation times are long enough, they can be used for in vitro or in vivo experiments with a SNR enhanced by 104 times or more. Although the DNP technique was established about 60 years ago, the hardware and cryogenic equipment needed to perform DNP and the subsequent dissolution, still are a technological challenge. In this thesis we will cover different DNP aspects, ranging from hardware installation, software development, solid state measurement, in vitro and in vivo experiments and a possible application of DNP to MRI studies of granular materials. A new DNP cryostat was developed and tested to determine its cryogenic performances and then optimized for fast cooldown, helium holdtime and overall minimal operational consumption. We will show the characteristics of the cryostat and the performances on standard operations like cooling and DNP at 1 K . Another important aspect the development tackled was automation. The management of the system was condensed in a single electronic box capabile to handle the interface with all the cryostat instruments. This box is driven by a single common USB port trough a custom made software interface we developed. Although a few manual operations are still needed, we achieved a high degree of automation. The solid state polarization enhancement ε is defined as the ratio between the DNP enhanced and the thermal polarization signals. It can be determined by measuring the DNP enhanced signal after the system stabilizes in the polarized state (i.e. after about 5 buildup time) and thermal polarization signal after the spins have fully relaxed to equilibrium (i.e. after about 5T1). As a first application of the new system, we present a method that exploits the behavior of steady states magnetization produced with trains of evenly spaced pulses, at constant flip angle. This method allows to precisely determine the thermally polarized signal of a sample with known T1 and a given flip angle in a small fraction (as low as half of a T1 or less depending on the requested accuracy) of the time needed in the usual "wait 5 T1 and pulse" scheme. The main drawback of the dissolution DNP is that the large polarization achieved will ineluctably relax towards its thermal equilibrium value in a few times T1, that for typical 13C labeled molecules is shorter than a minute. On the other hand some nuclei as 6Li and quaternary 15N show a very long T1 on the order of few minutes in biological conditions, allowing measurements as long as several minutes. 6Li is very sensitive to contrast agents such as Gd-doped contrast agents, O2 and de-oxygenated hemoglobin. We studied the effect of the oxygenation of human and rat blood on the 6Li T1, showing clear changes between oxygenated and de-oxygenated samples. Thus we showed that 6Li could be used to map blood oxygenation levels in vitro, and suggest possible in vivo applications, even in brain due to its capability to easily pass the blood brain barrier. 15N labeled choline has a very long 15N T1 and can be used to probe rate of transport or metabolism in brain. Although it has a long T1, the spectral dispersion between the precursor, choline, and its metabolites is very small. The spectral dispersion is much larger for 1 H spins and thus being able to partially transfer repeatedly the 15N to 1H before detection would greatly increase the spectral separation between metabolites while still being able to measure the time course of the metabolic process, which is not the case with a full transfer like with INEPT. We demonstrate that a Hartmann–Hahn polarization transfer can be used to partially transfer the hyperpolarization of 15N to surrounding 1H before detection on 1H. This method can then be applied to in vivo DNP experiments. Even with a very high signal it is very difficult to quantify metabolites that are very close in the NMR spectrum, compared to the actual in vivo linewidth. To improve the spectral resolution it is worth performing the experiments in high magnetic fields. We show the first in vivo rat muscle DNP measurement of acetate at 14.1 T , to resolve e.g. the glutamate peak from acetate substrate. Finally we discuss a segmentation algorithm used to precisely reconstruct granular samples composed of up to 104 spheres. We used a standard Gradient Echo imaging sequence on a Siemens 7 T MRI human scanner to obtain high resolution images of a phantom composed of a cylinder filled with Cu2+ doped water and plastic spheres. Then the 3D images where segmented trough a thresholded Hugh transform method and the beads centers determined. The datasets were studied to extract structural and geometrical information.
David Lyndon Emsley, Saumya Badoni, Pierrick Berruyer
David Lyndon Emsley, Michael Allan Hope, Federico De Biasi, Máté Visegrádi