The selectivity and speed of many biological transport processes(1) transpire from a 'reduction of dimensionality'(2) that confines diffusion to one or two dimensions instead of three(3). This behaviour remains highly sought after on polymeric surfaces(4) as a means to expedite diffusional search processes in molecular engineered systems. Here, we have reconstituted the two-dimensional diffusion of colloidal particles on a molecular brush surface. The surface is composed of phenylalanineglycine nucleoporins (FG Nups)(5)-intrinsically disordered proteins that facilitate selective transport through nuclear pore complexes in eukaryotic cells(6). Local and ensemble-level experiments involving optical trapping using a photonic force microscope(7) and particle tracking by video microscopy(8), respectively, reveal that 1-mu m-sized colloidal particles bearing nuclear transport receptors(9) called karyopherins can exhibit behaviour that varies from highly localized to unhindered two-dimensional diffusion. Particle diffusivity is controlled by varying the amount of free karyopherins in solution, which modulates the multivalency of Kap-binding sites within the molecular brush(10). We conclude that the FG Nups resemble stimuli-responsive(11) molecular 'velcro', which can impart 'reduction of dimensionality' as a means of biomimetic transport control in artificial environments.
Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Françoise Gisou van der Goot Grunberg, Graham Knott, Kathryn Hess Bellwald, Laurence Gouzi Abrami, Luciano Andres Abriata, Béatrice Kunz, Sylvia Ho, Patrick Alain Sandoz, Catherine Maclachlan, Robin Alexander Denhardt-Eriksson, Gard Spreemann