Neuroscience Reconstructed: ProteomicsThis course will provide the fundamental knowledge in neuroscience required to
understand how the brain is organised and how function at multiple scales is
integrated to give rise to cognition and beh
Neuroscience Reconstructed: ProteomicsThis course will provide the fundamental knowledge in neuroscience required to
understand how the brain is organised and how function at multiple scales is
integrated to give rise to cognition and beh
Digital Signal Processing IBasic signal processing concepts, Fourier analysis and filters. This module can
be used as a starting point or a basic refresher in elementary DSP
Digital Signal Processing IIAdaptive signal processing, A/D and D/A. This module provides the basic
tools for adaptive filtering and a solid mathematical framework for sampling and
Digital Signal Processing IIIAdvanced topics: this module covers real-time audio processing (with
examples on a hardware board), image processing and communication system design.
Digital Signal Processing IVAdvanced topics: this module covers real-time audio processing (with
examples on a hardware board), image processing and communication system design.
ElectronicsIntroduction à l’électronique analogique- seconde partie. Fonctions linéaires de base réalisée à l’aide de transistor bipolaire.
ElectronicsIntroduction à l’électronique analogique- seconde partie. Fonctions linéaires de base réalisée à l’aide de transistor bipolaire.