Calcium carbonate biomineralization of scleractinian coral recruits is fundamental to the construction of reefs and their survival under stress from global and local environmental change. Establishing a baseline for how normal, healthy coral recruits initiate skeletal formation is, therefore, warranted. Here, we present a thorough, multiscale, microscopic and spectroscopic investigation of skeletal elements deposited by Pocillopora damicornis recruits, from 12 h to 22 days after settlement in aquarium on a flat substrate. Six growth stages are defined, primarily based on appearance and morphology of successively deposited skeletal structures, with the following average formation time-scales: A (10 days). Raman and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicate the presence of calcite among the earliest components of the basal plate, which consist of micrometer-sized, rod-shaped crystals with rhomboidal habit. All later CaCO3 skeletal structures are composed exclusively of aragonite. High-resolution scanning electron microscopy reveals that, externally, all CaCO3 deposits consist of
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