Dinuclear clathrochelate complexes are easily accessible by reaction of zinc(II) triflate or cobalt(II) nitrate with arylboronic acids and phenoldioximes. The utilization of brominated arylboronic acids and/or brominated phenoldioximes allows preparing clathrochelates with two, three, five or seven bromine atoms on the outside. These clathrochelates can undergo Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions with 3- and 4-pyridylboronic acid to give new metalloligands featuring up to seven pyridyl groups. The pyridyl-capped clathrochelates display characteristics which make them interesting building blocks for structural supramolecular chemistry: they are rigid, large (up to 2.7 nm), luminescent (for M = Zn), and anionic. The pentatopic pyridyl ligands display an unusual trigonal bipyramidal geometry.
Paul Joseph Dyson, Mingyang Liu
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