As decided by the European Parliament in April 2009, starting from 2019, new buildings must be so-called net-zero energy buildings. The capital cost of these building systems and thus the potential for optimization will increase significantly. In addition, on the electric supply side, a smart grid with time-varying electricity tariffs may be established. These two directions of impact offer the opportunity to optimize the interactions between the building and the distribution grid. The so-called smart building results. Therefore, in this project a design tool for the optimal selection and sizing of the building system is derived. Thus, building services components such as thermal and electrical storages, various heating and cooling systems, and renewable energy sources are modeled and implemented into the software framework. To enable the comparison of different configurations and sizings of the building service components, an optimal operating strategy for the system is computed in parallel. Finally, the impact of various regulatory policies and variable pricing systems on the design of the building components are examined.
François Maréchal, Jonas Schnidrig