ICT-Enabled Social Innovation can help making existing service more efficient and effective, but also produce new services as a result of integration among different policy silos. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can also promote conceptual innovation in the sense of changing the base (empirical and analytical) upon which policy are first designed and later evaluat- ed. Building on extensive literature review and analysis of case studies conduct- ed as part of the research on ICT-Enabled Social Innovation (IESI) conducted by the European Commission ́s Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS), this article discusses, the results of an analysis of three selected case studies, exploring the relationship between different typologies of ICT-enabled social innovation implemented and the broader social protection system in which they are embedded in, contributing to determine if a relationship is identified between the nature and type of ICT-enabled social in- novation and the modernization of social policies, considering the broader digital governance space in which they are implemented.