Dissipative Kerr solitons have recently been generated in optical microresonators, enabling ultrashort optical pulses at microwave repetition rates, that constitute coherent and numerically predictable Kerr frequency combs. However, the seeding and excitation of the temporal solitons is associated with changes in the intracavity power that can lead to large thermal resonance shifts and render the soliton states in most commonly used resonator platforms short lived. Here we describe a "power kicking" method to overcome this instability by modulating the power of the pump laser. With this method also initially very short-lived (of the order of 100 ns) soliton states can be brought into a steady state in contrast to techniques reported earlier which relied on an adjustment of the laser scan speed only. Once the soliton state is in a steady state it can persist for hours and is thermally self-locked. Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Camille Sophie Brès, Moritz Bartnick, Gayathri Bharathan
Tobias Kippenberg, Anat Siddharth