Summary statisticsIn descriptive statistics, summary statistics are used to summarize a set of observations, in order to communicate the largest amount of information as simply as possible. Statisticians commonly try to describe the observations in a measure of location, or central tendency, such as the arithmetic mean a measure of statistical dispersion like the standard mean absolute deviation a measure of the shape of the distribution like skewness or kurtosis if more than one variable is measured, a measure of statistical dependence such as a correlation coefficient A common collection of order statistics used as summary statistics are the five-number summary, sometimes extended to a seven-number summary, and the associated box plot.
Five-number summaryThe five-number summary is a set of descriptive statistics that provides information about a dataset. It consists of the five most important sample percentiles: the sample minimum (smallest observation) the lower quartile or first quartile the median (the middle value) the upper quartile or third quartile the sample maximum (largest observation) In addition to the median of a single set of data there are two related statistics called the upper and lower quartiles.
MotivationMotivation is the reason for which humans and other animals initiate, continue, or terminate a behavior at a given time. Motivational states are commonly understood as forces acting within the agent that create a disposition to engage in goal-directed behavior. It is often held that different mental states compete with each other and that only the strongest state determines behavior. This means that we can be motivated to do something without actually doing it. The paradigmatic mental state providing motivation is desire.
Work motivationWork motivation is a person's internal disposition toward work. To further this, an incentive is the anticipated reward or aversive event available in the environment. While motivation can often be used as a tool to help predict behavior, it varies greatly among individuals and must often be combined with ability and environmental factors to actually influence behavior and performance. Results from a 2012 study, which examined age-related differences in work motivation, suggest a "shift in people's motives" rather than a general decline in motivation with age.