The recently completed MST2 upgrade to the Thomson scattering (TS) system on TCV (Tokamak a Configuration Variable) at the Swiss Plasma Center aims to provide an enhanced spatial and spectral resolution while maintaining the high level of diagnostic flexibility for the study of TCV plasmas. The MST2 (Medium Sized Tokamak) is a work program within the Eurofusion ITER physics department, aimed at exploiting Europe's medium sized tokamak programs for a better understanding of ITER physics. This upgrade to the TCV Thomson scattering system involved the installation of 40 new compact 5-channel spectrometers and modifications to the diagnostics fiber optic design. The complete redesign of the fiber optic backplane incorporates fewer larger diameter fibers, allowing for a higher resolution in both the core and edge of TCV plasmas along the laser line, with a slight decrease in the signal to noise ratio of Thomson measurements. The 40 new spectrometers added to the system are designed to cover the full range of temperatures expected in TCV, able to measure electron temperatures (T-e) with high precision between (6 eV and 20 keV). The design of these compact spectrometers stems originally from the design utilized in the MAST (Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak) TS system located in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. This design was implemented on TCV with an overall layout of optical fibers and spectrometers to achieve an overall increase in the spatial resolution, specifically a resolution of approximately 1% of the minor radius within the plasma pedestal region. These spectrometers also enhance the diagnostic spectral resolution, especially within the plasma edge, due to the low T-e measurement capabilities. These additional spectrometers allow for a much greater diagnostic flexibility, allowing for quality full Thomson profiles in 75% of TCV plasma configurations.
Luc Thévenaz, Malak Mohamed Hossameldeen Omar Mohamed Galal, Suneetha Sebastian