Excessive beta oscillatory activity in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is linked to Parkinson’s Disease (PD) motor symptoms. However, previous works have been inconsistent regarding the functional role of beta activity in untreated Parkinsonian states, questioning such role. We hypothesized that this inconsistency is due to the influence of electrophysiological broadband activity —a neurophysiological indicator of synaptic excitation/inhibition ratio— that could confound measurements of beta activity in STN recordings. Here we propose a data-driven, automatic and individualized mathematical model that disentangles beta activity and 1/f broadband activity in the STN power spectrum, and investigate the link between these individual components and motor symptoms in thirteen Parkinsonian patients. We show, using both modeled and actual data, how beta oscillatory activity significantly correlates with motor symptoms (bradykinesia and rigidity) only when broadband activity is not considered in the biomarker estimations, providing solid evidence that oscillatory beta activity does correlate with motor symptoms in untreated PD states as well as the significant impact of broadband activity. These findings emphasize the importance of data-driven models and the identification of better biomarkers for characterizing symptom severity and closed-loop applications.
Andéol Geoffroy Cadic-Melchior
Olaf Blanke, Fosco Bernasconi, Nathan Quentin Faivre, Michael Eric Anthony Pereira
Silvestro Micera, Matteo Vissani