Mutations in a number of genes cause familial forms of Parkinson's disease (PD), including mutations in the vacuolar protein sorting 35 ortholog (VPS35) and parkin genes. In this study, we identify a novel functional interaction between parkin and VPS35. We demonstrate that parkin interacts with and robustly ubiquitinates VPS35 in human neural cells. Familial parkin mutations are impaired in their ability to ubiquitinate VPS35. Parkin mediates the attachment of an atypical poly-ubiquitin chain to VPS35 with three lysine residues identified within the C-terminal region of VPS35 that are covalently modified by ubiquitin. Notably, parkin-mediated VPS35 ubiquitination does not promote the proteasomal degradation of VPS35. Furthermore, parkin does not influence the steady-state levels or turnover of VPS35 in neural cells and VPS35 levels are normal in the brains of parkin knockout mice. These data suggest that ubiquitination of VPS35 by parkin may instead serve a non-degradative cellular function potentially by regulating retromer-dependent sorting. Accordingly, we find that components of the retromer-associated WASH complex are markedly decreased in the brain of parkin knockout mice, suggesting that parkin may modulate WASH complex-dependent retromer sorting. Parkin gene silencing in primary cortical neurons selectively disrupts the vesicular sorting of the autophagy receptor ATG9A, a WASH-dependent retromer cargo. Parkin is not required for dopaminergic neurodegeneration induced by the expression of PD-linked D620N VPS35 in mice, consistent with VPS35 being located downstream of parkin function. Our data reveal a novel functional interaction of parkin with VPS35 that may be important for retromer-mediated endosomal sorting and PD.
Paolo De Los Rios, Pierre Goloubinoff, Satyam Tiwari, Mathieu Rebeaud, Bruno Claude Daniel Fauvet, Adélaïde Alice Mohr
Gaétan Jean A de Rassenfosse, Wolf-Hendrik Peter Uhlbach, Tetiana Murovana
Felix Schürmann, Armando Romani, Michele Migliore, Luca Leonardo Bologna