Iron is essential for most living organisms. In addition, its biogeochemical cycling influences important processes in the geosphere (e.g., the mobilization or immobilization of trace elements and contaminants). The reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) can be catalysed microbially, particularly by metal-respiring bacteria utilizing Fe(III) as a terminal electron acceptor. Furthermore, Grampositive fermentative iron reducers are known to reduce Fe(III) by using it as a sink for excess reducing equivalents, as a form of enhanced fermentation. Here, we use the Gram-positive fermentative bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum as a model system due to its ability to reduce heavy metals.We investigated the reduction of soluble and solid iron during fermentation. We found that exogenous (resazurin, resorufin, anthraquinone-2,- 6-disulfonate) aswell as endogenous (riboflavin) electron mediators enhance solid iron reduction. In addition, iron reduction buffers the pH, and elicits a shift in the carbon and electron flow to less reduced products relative to fermentation. This study underscores the role fermentative bacteria can play in iron cycling and provides insights into the metabolic profile of coupled fermentation and iron reduction with laboratory experiments and metabolic network modelling
Christof Holliger, Julien Maillard, Romain Hamelin, Mathilde Stéphanie Willemin, Florence Armand
Mohammed Mouhib, Chenxi Liu, Lin Li, Qiang He