Non-coding RNAs associate with proteins to form ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), such as ribosome, box C/D snoRNPs, H/ACA snoRNPs, ribonuclease P, telomerase and spliceosome to ensure cell viability. The assembly of these RNA-protein complexes relies on the ability of the RNA to adopt the correct bound conformation. K-turn motifs represent ubiquitous binding platform for proteins found in several cellular environment. This structural motif has an internal three-nucleotide bulge flanked on its 3' side by a G.A/A.G tandem pairs followed by one or two non-Watson-Crick pairs, and on its 5' side by a classical RNA helix. This peculiar arrangement induces a strong curvature of the phosphodiester backbone, which makes it conducive to multiple tertiary interactions. SNU13/Snu13p (Human/Yeast) binds specifically the U14 C/D box snoRNA K-turn sequence motif. This event is the prerequisite to promote the assembly of the RNP, which contains NOP58/Nop58 and NOP56/Nop56 core proteins and the 2'-O-methyl-transferase, Fibrillarin/Noplp. The U14 small nucleolar RNA is a conserved non-coding RNA found in yeast and vertebrates required for the pre-rRNA maturation and ribose methylation. Here, we report the solution structure of the free U14 snoRNA K-turn motif (kt-U14) as determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. We demonstrate that a major fraction of free kt-U14 adopts a pre-folded conformation similar to protein bound K-turn, even in the absence of divalent ions. In contrast to the kt-U4 or tyrS RNA, kt-U14 displays a sharp bent in the phosphodiester backbone. The U.U and G.A tandem base pairs are formed through weak hydrogen bonds. Finally, we show that the structure of kt-U14 is stabilized upon Snu13p binding. The structure of the free U14 RNA is the first reference example for the canonical motifs of the C/D box snoRNA family. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. and Societe Francaise de Biochimie et Biologie Moleculaire (SFBBM). All rights reserved.
Didier Trono, Julien Léonard Duc, Christina Ernst