The EUROfusion Work Package JET3 programme, established to enable the technological exploitation of the JET experiments over the next years, includes, within the NEXP subproject, a novel Shutdown Dose Rate (SDR) experiment. Considering its ITER-relevance, SDR experiments at JET represent a unique opportunity to validate the numerical tools for ITER nuclear analysis, through the comparison between numerical predictions and measured quantities (C/E). Within this framework, two active gamma dosimeters based on spherical air-vented ionization chambers (ICs) have been installed in ex-vessel positions close to the horizontal ports of the tokamak in Octants 1 and 2. The first JET campaign exploited in the novel SDR experiment is the latest 5-week Deuterium-Deuterium campaign (c36b), which achieved the best results in recent years in terms of high power operation. The present work is dedicated to the analysis of dose rate measurements carried out during this campaign and after shutdown. Proper correction factors are evaluated and applied to the instrument reading, while influence quantities and error sources are analyzed in order to calculate the overall experimental uncertainty.
Ralf Seifert, Anna Timonina-Farkas, René Yves Glogg
Andreas Pautz, Vincent Pierre Lamirand, Thomas Jean-François Ligonnet, Axel Guy Marie Laureau