A multi-phase Ti-6Al-4V prepared by electron beam melting and thermal post treatments has been shown to exhibit increased strength and ductility over standard wrought or hot isostatic pressed Ti-6-Al-4V. The mechanical improvements are due to a prolonged, continuous work hardening effect not commonly observed in Ti alloys. In situ x-ray diffraction and high resolution digital image correlation are used to examine the strain partitioning between the phases during tensile loading with post-mortem electron microscopy to characterize the deformation behavior in each phase. Specimens heat treated between 850 and 980 degrees C were tested and the effect of annealing temperature on the micromechanical response is discussed. It is shown that the work hardening is the result of composite load-sharing behavior between three mechanically distinct microstructures: large a lamellae and a martensitic region of fine acicular alpha' and a third phase not previously reported in this alloy. (C) 2019 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
William Curtin, Daniel John Gilles Marchand
Andreas Mortensen, David Hernandez Escobar, Julie Nathalie S Gheysen, Alejandra Inés Slagter