In the past few years, several light-weight soft wearable robots, so called exosuits, for upper extremity assistance have been developed. The design of exosuits is often based on a bio-mimetic design approach, mimicking the human biomechanics. However, in the design process, the interactions of movement directions during daily living tasks have not yet been analyzed comprehensively. Therefore, the designs of exosuits might be overly complex, as movement directions that are coupled during daily life tasks were implemented independently; or lack functionality, as relevant movement directions were disregarded. In the meta-analysis presented in this paper, the maximum angles occurring during daily living tasks in the upper extremity of unimpaired individuals were examined. To identify the kinematic couplings between joint axes, the interactions between movement directions that act against gravity were analyzed. The strongest correlations were found between rotation in the plane of elevation and humeral axial rotation (R 2 = 0.82, p
Alexandre Terrier, Alain Farron, Patrick Goetti, Matthieu Boubat
Alexandre Terrier, Frédéric Vauclair, Antoine Dewarrat