This paper presents results of JET ITER-like wall L-mode experiments in hydrogen and deuterium (D) plasmas, dedicated to the study of the isotope dependence of ion heat transport by determination of the ion critical gradient and stiffness by varying the ion cyclotron resonance heating power deposition. When no strong role of fast ions in the plasma core is expected, the main difference between the two isotope plasmas is determined by the plasma edge and the core behavior is consistent with a gyro-Bohm scaling. When the heating power (and the fast ion pressure) is increased, in addition to the difference in the edge region, also the plasma core shows substantial changes. The stabilization of ion heat transport by fast ions, clearly visible in D plasmas, appears to be weaker in H plasmas, resulting in a higher ion heat flux in H with apparent anti-gyro-Bohm mass scaling. The difference is found to be caused by the different fast ion pressure between H and D plasmas, related to the heating power settings and to the different fast ion slowing down time, and is completely accounted for in non-linear gyrokinetic simulations. The application of the TGLF quasi-linear model to this set of data is also discussed.
Henri Weisen, Javier García Hernández, Mikhail Maslov, Samuele Mazzi
Olivier Sauter, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Cassandre Ekta Contré, Emiliano Fable, Anna Teplukhina, Simon Van Mulders