The use of omics is gaining importance in the field of nanoecotoxicology; an increasing number of studies are aiming to investigate the effects and modes of action of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in this way. However, a systematic synthesis of the outcome of such studies regarding common responses and toxicity pathways is currently lacking. We developed an R-scripted computational pipeline to perform reanalysis and functional analysis of relevant transcriptomic data sets using a common approach, independent from the ENM type, and across different organisms, including Arabidopsis thaliana, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Danio rerio. Using the pipeline that can semiautomatically process data from different microarray technologies, we were able to determine the most common molecular mechanisins of nanotoxicity across extremely variable data sets. As expected, we found known mechanisms, such as interference with energy generation, oxidative stress, disruption of DNA synthesis, and activation of DNA-repair but also discovered that some less-described molecular responses to ENMs, such as DNA/RNA methylation, protein folding, and interference with neurological functions, are present across the different studies. Results were visualized in radar charts to assess toxicological response patterns allowing the comparison of different organisms and ENM types. This can be helpful to retrieve ENM-related hazard information and thus fill knowledge gaps in a comprehensive way in regard to the molecular underpinnings and mechanistic understanding of nanotoxicity.
Kelvin Ka Ching Lau, Roman Podolec