Sodium-ion technology is a reliable alternative to lithium-ion for large-scale energy storage because of the abundance of sodium sources and related low cost. In this work, we report about a simple fabrication of self-standing electrodes based on electrospun carbon nanofiber (CNF) loaded with Na3V2(PO4)(3) with NASICON framework, which is a promising cathode material that has shown good electrochemical performance when its electrical conductivity is enhanced by a conductive medium. The proposed method is simple, low cost, potentially scalable to fabricate and load cathode support with active materials. The electrochemical tests confirmed the stable cycling performances and the high C-rate capability of the NVP/CNFs composites, with hundreds of cycles without major degradation of performances. Our work demonstrates that stable, self-supported, long-term performing NIB electrodes, ready to use without addition of any performance enhancer, can be obtained by using fast and cost-efficient procedures suitable to be scaled-up at an industrial level.
Lei Zhang, Kangning Zhao, Rui Xia