The 3rd correction of the Rhone River (R3) is the largest flood protection project in Switzerland so far. Covering a length of 162 km, it aims to protect some 100,000 people and prevent flood damages, which could raise up to 10 billion CHF for major events. The present study aims to investigate the behavior of the future Rhone at the “Martigny bend” using both physical and numerical models. The correction of the "Martigny bend" is a priority measure of the R3 project, due to the high flood hazard risk and significant potential damages. Once cali-brated based on physical model results, the numerical model will act as an extension of the phys-ical model, and will be maintained and exploited in further design and construction phases. It allows to test possible project evolutions and to analyze its performance after the completion of the works. This paper focuses only on pure hydraulic tests.
Giovanni De Cesare, Azin Amini, Jean-Noël Saugy, Francesc Molné Correig
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