A path to take passengers from single to shared rides: a study onridesplittingCaio Vitor Beojone1and Nikolas Geroliminis11Urban Transport Systems Laboratory, ́Ecole Polytechnique F ́ed ́erale de Lausanne,CH-1015, Switzerland.{caio.beojone@epfl.ch, nikolas.geroliminis@epfl.ch}February 2020AbstractIn the scenario of expanding ride-sourcing, ridesplitting still struggles to attract cus-tomers for everyday rides. However, most studies disregard passengers’ willingness to hireridesplitting while evaluating the service potential. Hence, we propose a simulation studyto evaluate the impacts of willingness to share on driver availability and trip measurements,such as traveled times and distances. The investigation considered a simulated urban net-work based on data from Shenzhen, China. Results indicate that higher willingness to shareincreases the number of available drivers, whereas increases trip characteristics variability. Insummary, reducing relative variability is a path to attract more passengers for ridesplittingservices.