Wyner's common information is a measure that quantifies and assesses the commonality between two random variables. Based on this, we introduce a novel two-step procedure to construct features from data, referred to as Common Information Components Analysis (CICA). The first step can be interpreted as an extraction of Wyner's common information. The second step is a form of back-projection of the common information onto the original variables, leading to the extracted features. A free parameter gamma controls the complexity of the extracted features. We establish that, in the case of Gaussian statistics, CICA precisely reduces to Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), where the parameter gamma determines the number of CCA components that are extracted. In this sense, we establish a novel rigorous connection between information measures and CCA, and CICA is a strict generalization of the latter. It is shown that CICA has several desirable features, including a natural extension to beyond just two data sets.