inspectors that walk over the track and check the defects on the rail surface, fasteners and sleepers. In the case of concrete sleepers, rail inspectors classify defects according to their size and occurrence over 20 sleepers. The manual inspection is error prone, it is time consuming and it can be sometimes risky. In an eort to overcome these issues, SBB has developed a project called AISI (Articial Intelligence Streckeninspection) in order to automatize the rail inspection by collecting and analysing images with diagnosis trains equipped with cameras. The objective of this thesis is integrated within the AISI Project, since its goal is the conception of a deep learning model to detect and classify concrete sleepers defects using computer vision and more specically, object detection. The defects studied in this thesis are cracks and akings (or spallings). In the literature, many researchers have tackled the subject of defect detection in concrete, especially in civil infrastructures. The most common methods a combination of image-processing and Machine Learning (image pre-processing and a classier) whereas the latest methods use deep learning (CNN, FCN and RPN, YOLO). The proposed methodology uses a Fast-RCNN model developed with Tensor ow Object Detection API. The evaluation of the model is given on a total of 996 defects and its precision and recall are given. The model shows average results as the number of false positives is high. It has been noted that the labels provided needed to be improved. The proposed approach has a great potential of development since a large amount of training data can be added thanks to the produced relabelling process. Also, the designed pipeline establishes a base that can be adjustable for various algorithms and congurations.