Background: Often used for T1 mapping of hip cartilage, three-dimensional (3D) dual-flip-angle (DFA) techniques are highly sensitive to flip angle variations related to B-1 inhomogeneities. The authors hypothesized that 3D magnetization-prepared 2 rapid gradient-echo (MP2RAGE) MRI would help provide more accurate T1 mapping of hip cartilage at 3.0 T than would 3D DFA techniques. Purpose: To compare 3D MP2RAGE MRI with 3D DFA techniques using two-dimensional (2D) inversion recovery T1 mapping as a standard of reference for hip cartilage T1 mapping in phantoms, healthy volunteers, and participants with hip pain. Materials and Methods: T1 mapping at 3.0 T was performed in phantoms and in healthy volunteers using 3D MP2RAGE MRI and 3D DFA techniques with B-1 field mapping for flip angle correction. Participants with hip pain prospectively (July 2019-January 2020) underwent indirect MR arthrography (with intravenous administration of 0.2 mmol/kg of gadoterate meglumine), including 3D MP2RAGE MRI. A 2D inversion recovery-based sequence served as a T1 reference in phantoms and in participants with hip pain. In healthy volunteers, cartilage T1 was compared between 3D MP2RAGE MRI and 3D DFA techniques. Paired t tests and Bland-Altman analysis were performed. Results: Eleven phantoms, 10 healthy volunteers (median age, 27 years; range, 26-30 years; five men), and 20 participants with hip pain (mean age, 34 years +/- 10 [standard deviation]; 17 women) were evaluated. In phantoms, T1 bias from 2D inversion recovery was lower for 3D MP2RAGE MRI than for 3D DFA techniques (mean, 3 msec +/- 11 vs 253 msec +/- 85; P < .001), and, unlike 3D DFA techniques, the deviation found with MP2RAGE MRI did not correlate with increasing B-1 deviation. In healthy volunteers, regional cartilage T1 difference (109 msec +/- 163; P = .008) was observed only for the 3D DFA technique. In participants with hip pain, the mean T1 bias of 3D MP2RAGE MRI from 2D inversion recovery was -23 msec +/- 31 (P < .001). Conclusion: Compared with three-dimensional (3D) dual-flip-angle techniques, 3D magnetization-prepared 2 rapid gradient-echo MRI enabled more accurate T1 mapping of hip cartilage, was less affected by B-1 inhomogeneities, and showed high accuracy against a T1 reference in participants with hip pain. (C) RSNA, 2021
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Auke Ijspeert, Mohamed Bouri, Ali Reza Manzoori, Tian Ye