Ozone, electrolysis and granular activated carbon (GAC) were examined as potential post-treatments to followa household-scale biologically activated membrane bioreactor (BAMBi), treating a wash water containing trace urine and feces contamination. Each post-treatment was evaluated for abilities and reaction preferences to remove or transform dissolved organic carbon (DOC), chemical structures that contribute color, and assimilable organic carbon (AOC), which can support bacterial regrowth. Batch treatment with each technology demonstrated an ability to remove >= 95% DOC. Ozone demonstrated a reaction selectivity through increased reaction rateswith larger compounds and color-contributing compounds. Electrolysis and GAC demonstrated generally less-selective reactivity. Adding post-treatments to full-scale systems reduced DOC (55-91%), AOC (34-62%), and color (75-98%), without significant reaction selectivity. These reductions in DOC and AOC were not linked to reduction of bacterial concentrations in treated water. Reductions in bacterial concentrations were observed with ozone and electrolysis, but this is credited to oxidation chemicals produced in these systems and not the removal or transformations of organic materials. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.