Single-molecule imaging methods are of importance in structural biology, and specifically in the imaging of proteins, since they can elucidate conformational variability and structural changes that might be lost in imaging methods relying on averaging processes. Low-energy electron holography (LEEH) is a promising technique for imaging individual proteins with negligible radiation damage, which can be combined with a sample preparation process by native electrospray ion beam deposition (native ES-IBD) ensuring the creation of chemically pure samples suitable for holographic imaging.The central step in the analysis of data measured by LEEH is the numerical reconstruction of the object from the experimentally acquired holograms.Full information about the imaged object consists of both amplitude and phase information imprinted on the scattered wave during the interaction of the electron beam with the molecule and encoded in the hologram created by the interference of the scattered wave and the transmitted incident wave. A propagation-based algorithm with the goal of reconstructing the wave field in the plane of the object is presented and applied to holograms of individual proteins prepared by ES-IBD and measured with a low-energy electron holography microscope. The information retrieved from the reconstruction of the amplitude distribution in the object plane is discussed by analysing holograms of antibodies, demonstrating that the inherent conformational variability of these molecules can be mapped by LEEH. The influence of the sample preparation process on the surface conformations is tracked by tuning the landing energy of the proteins during deposition.To complement the amplitude data, an iterative phase retrieval algorithm is implemented to reconstruct the phase distribution in the object plane along with the amplitude distribution. The algorithm's performance and robustness is thoroughly evaluated and simulations regarding multiple scattering effects and element-dependent variations in scattering strength are carried out to provide a reference for the interpretation of phase data retrieved from experimentally acquired holograms. The iterative phase retrieval algorithm is then applied to protein data, indicating that both molecular density and charges can be related to features in the phase reconstructions, while the presence of metals does not correlate with specific phase signals at the current resolution obtainable from the experimental data.Since proteins are inherently three-dimensional, approaches towards three-dimensional reconstruction schemes are discussed, which will be the focus of future work.