Scholarly Communication is still shifting from papers to richer content, as for instance research data and code. Data dissemination has a crucial role and yet it is in its infancy, with visible fragmentation and too many unknowns for researchers to get onboard. With our work, we want to mitigate this situation and help researchers decide which platforms are best suited to disseminate their data and code. The table we elaborated is based on multiple feedback from EPFL researchers, and its purpose is both to capture the variety of use-cases, and to guide researchers to make their choice. This poster is principally conceived for colleagues working in university services related to Open Science and Research Data Management, to provide them with an example of collaboration that might be reproduced in their institutions, and to create awareness on the challenges that such an endeavor entails. In this publication, we also include the current version of the comparative table of data dissemination solutions.
Miguel Peon Quiros, Francesco Varrato, Chiara Gabella, Manuel Simon Paul Cubero-Castan
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