Formal verification of real-world software systems remains challenging for a number of reasons, including lack of automation, friction in specifying properties, and limited support for the diverse programming paradigms used in industry. In this thesis we make progress towards a better verification experience in general-purpose programming languages by contributing improvements both to the automated checking and the specification of safety properties in languages combining functional and imperative features. We present our extensions in two parts -- reasoning about shared mutable data, and types as specifications -- both of which ultimately rely on reductions of expressive surface languages to a functional core. Throughout, we instantiate our techniques for the particular example of Scala, a mixed-paradigm language widely-used in industry.The first part shows how to extend a verifier for higher-order functions and immutable data to support imperative programs with shared mutable data. We build upon Stainless, a contract-based verification system that relies on SMT solvers to automatically verify a large fragment of Scala. Our technique extends Stainless to check general heap-manipulating programs against modular specifications in the style of dynamic frames. A novelty of our approach is the translation of imperative function contracts that encodes frame conditions using quantifier-free formulas in first-order logic, instead of relying on quantifiers or on dedicated separation logic reasoning. Our quantifier-free encoding enables SMT solvers to both prove safety and to report counterexamples relative to the semantics of procedure contracts.In the second part we turn to types and type-level programming as an alternative means of specifying correctness properties. While dependent types have been studied extensively for purely-functional languages, we investigate their applications to languages with subtyping and (abstractions of) imperative features. We first study a calculus that provides type-level computation through singleton types and allows abstraction of state and IO through a non-deterministic choice operator. This allows for modelling interactions with existing imprecisely-typed and impure code. Our calculus is formalized and mechanically proven correct using the Coq proof assistant. In addition, we develop a prototypical implementation in the Scala compiler and study typical type-level programming use cases in the Scala ecosystem.
Viktor Kuncak, Mario Bucev, Dragana Milovancevic, Samuel Chassot
Lionel Emile Vincent Parreaux, Aleksander Slawomir Boruch-Gruszecki