Image noiseImage noise is random variation of brightness or color information in s, and is usually an aspect of electronic noise. It can be produced by the and circuitry of a or digital camera. Image noise can also originate in film grain and in the unavoidable shot noise of an ideal photon detector. Image noise is an undesirable by-product of image capture that obscures the desired information. Typically the term “image noise” is used to refer to noise in 2D images, not 3D images.
Signalling theoryWithin evolutionary biology, signalling theory is a body of theoretical work examining communication between individuals, both within species and across species. The central question is when organisms with conflicting interests, such as in sexual selection, should be expected to provide honest signals (no presumption being made of conscious intention) rather than cheating. Mathematical models describe how signalling can contribute to an evolutionarily stable strategy.
Handicap principleThe handicap principle is a hypothesis proposed by the biologist Amotz Zahavi to explain how evolution may lead to "honest" or reliable signalling between animals which have an obvious motivation to bluff or deceive each other. It suggests that costly signals must be reliable signals, costing the signaller something that could not be afforded by an individual with less of a particular trait. For example, in sexual selection, the theory suggests that animals of greater biological fitness signal this status through handicapping behaviour, or morphology that effectively lowers this quality.
Sinc functionIn mathematics, physics and engineering, the sinc function, denoted by sinc(x), has two forms, normalized and unnormalized. In mathematics, the historical unnormalized sinc function is defined for x ≠ 0 by Alternatively, the unnormalized sinc function is often called the sampling function, indicated as Sa(x). In digital signal processing and information theory, the normalized sinc function is commonly defined for x ≠ 0 by In either case, the value at x = 0 is defined to be the limiting value for all real a ≠ 0 (the limit can be proven using the squeeze theorem).
Overshoot (signal)In signal processing, control theory, electronics, and mathematics, overshoot is the occurrence of a signal or function exceeding its target. Undershoot is the same phenomenon in the opposite direction. It arises especially in the step response of bandlimited systems such as low-pass filters. It is often followed by ringing, and at times conflated with the latter. Maximum overshoot is defined in Katsuhiko Ogata's Discrete-time control systems as "the maximum peak value of the response curve measured from the desired response of the system.