Between around 1656 and the late 1660s, Giovanni Alfonso Borelli and Vincenzio Viviani, self-proclaimed last disciple of Galileo, collaborated on a host of math- ematical, physico-mathematical, and experimental problems, notably within the Acca- demia del Cimento. Their relationship, tensed at times, has long been characterised as a heated rivalry – the two men would have hated and continuously tried to outdo each other. Turning back to the archival sources – their correspondence and their disciples’ correspondences – this contribution gathers, for the first time, all recorded events when merely embryonic priority disputes may have stained Viviani and Borelli’s collaboration. Although these correspondences indeed show mild quarrels at times, they also prove that nothing ever became public or went further than personal complaints to third parties. To understand how Borelli and Viviani have become rivals, this contribution instead dives into eighteenth-century controversies between second-generation epigones who were waging war, through interposed publications, over the primacy of Galileo’s heritage. The posthu- mously constructed rivalry later became entrenched and circulated down the centuries to late nineteenth- and twentieth-century historians.
Frédéric Kaplan, Maud Ehrmann, Orlin Biserov Topalov