Biphoton frequency combs (BFCs) are promising quantum sources for large-scale and high-dimensional quantum information and networking systems. In this context, the spectral purity of individual frequency bins will be critical for realizing quantum networking protocols like teleportation and entanglement swap-ping. Measurement of the temporal autocorrelation function of the unheralded signal or idler photons comprising the BFC is a key tool for characterizing their spectral purity and in turn verifying the utility of the biphoton state for networking protocols. Yet the experimentally obtainable precision for measur-ing BFC correlation functions is often severely limited by detector jitter. The fine temporal features in the correlation function-not only of practical value in quantum information, but also of fundamen-tal interest in the study of quantum optics-are lost as a result. We propose a scheme to circumvent this challenge through electro-optic phase modulation, experimentally demonstrating time-resolved Han -bury Brown-Twiss characterization of BFCs generated from an integrated 40.5-GHz Si3N4 microring, up to a 3 x 3-dimensional two-qutrit Hilbert space. Through slight detuning of the electro-optic drive frequency from the comb's free spectral range, our approach leverages Vernier principles to magnify tem-poral features, which would otherwise be averaged out by detector jitter. We demonstrate our approach under both continuous-wave and pulsed-pumping regimes, finding excellent agreement with theory. Our method reveals not only the collective statistics of the contributing frequency bins but also their temporal shapes-features lost in standard fully integrated autocorrelation measurements.