A stunning example of synaptic diversity is the postsynaptic target cell-type-dependent difference in synap-tic efficacy in cortical networks. Here, we show that CA1 pyramidal cell (PC) to fast spiking interneuron (FSIN) connections have 10-fold larger release probability (Pv) than those on oriens lacunosum-moleculare (O-LM) interneurons. Freeze-fracture immunolabeling revealed that different nano-topologies and coupling dis-tances between Ca2+ channels and release sites (RSs) are not responsible for the distinct Pv. Although [Ca2+] transients are 40% larger in FSINs innervating boutons, when [Ca2+] entry is matched in the two bouton populations, EPSCs in O-LM cells are still 7-fold smaller. However, application of a phorbol ester analog re-sulted in a -2.5-fold larger augmentation at PC - O-LM compared to PC - FSIN synapses, suggesting incom-plete docking or priming of vesicles. Similar densities of docked vesicles rule out distinct RS occupancies and demonstrate that incompletely primed, but docked, vesicles limit the output of PC - O-LM synapses.
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Ying Shi, Armando Romani, Michele Migliore, Maurizio Ferdinando Pezzoli, Rosanna Migliore