Hydrological, water technological, managerial and human induced processes affect aquatic, amphibian and terrestrial organisms and their habitats, far beyond the main channel of a river. This Riverscape includes diverse riparian habitats which vary in space and time depending on discharge and sediment dynamics, human interventions and constraints. Rivers naturally play a role in water management: quality, quantity and productivity. But they also have a landscape, an environmental and a social role. We speak of Hidden Rivers when one or more of these func-tions are not present or when it is hidden from public perception. Riverscape projects aim at real-izing the necessary interdisciplinary background of the problematics affecting highly corrected large or hidden rivers. Examining riverine ecological, hydrological and morphological spatial fea-tures with new methods of conceiving the territorial space across and surrounding rivers is re-quired. Namely, integrated and efficient revitalization measures for the floodplain and the riparian belt via the creative design of interdisciplinary river projects by civil and environmental engi-neers, landscape architects and urbanists is needed.