Magic angle spinning (MAS) in 1H NMR has allowed progress from featureless spectra in static samples to linewidths of a few hundreds of Hertz for powdered solids at the fastest spinning rates available today (100-150 kHz). While this is a remarkable improvement, this level of resolution is still limiting to the widespread use of 1H NMR for complex systems. This short review will discuss two recent alternative strategies that have significantly improved 1H resolution, when combined with fast MAS. The first is based on anti-z-COSY, a 2D experiment originally used for J decoupling in liquids, which removes residual broadening due to splittings caused by imperfect coherent averaging of MAS. The second strategy is to obtain pure isotropic proton (PIP) spectra in solids, by parametrically mapping any residual broadening due to imperfect averaging into a second dimension of a multidimensional correlation spectrum.
David Lyndon Emsley, Arthur César Pinon, Pierrick Berruyer
David Lyndon Emsley, Michael Allan Hope, Dominik Józef Kubicki, Gabriele Stevanato, Aditya Mishra