X-Ray observation of Venus using JEMX instrument on INTEGRAL telescope in the 18.04.22 to 24.04.22 window. Abstract: On April 22 and 24, 2022, Venus was observed with the JEM-X detector of the INTEGRAL space telescope. The observation performed yielded a discussed positive observation of the planet using three different modelling methods of the incoming flux of the source. All yielded a positive average flux at the 3σ level. No evidence of correlation between the solar and venusian flux variability was found. A very solar flare and CME direction locator was tested and its limits quickly found because of the limited FoV of the satellites contributing to these events’ coordinates in the HEK database. This report suggests that the solar system planets can be studied using the available INTEGRAL data gathered over the last 19 years.
Reto Georg Trappitsch, Xuan Li
Edoardo Charbon, Francesco Piro, Abhishek Sharma