The current study performs the thermodynamic and life-cycle assessments (LCA) of a novel charging station in two system designs. The goal is to design an efficient charging station for electric vehicles with high efficiencies and low environmental impacts using Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) technology. SOFC is considered a sustainable and environmentally friendly technology to generate electricity compared to combustion engines. To ameliorate the performance, the exhaust heat of the SOFC stacks will be recovered for hydrogen production in an electrolyzer. The system uses four SOFCs to charge the electric vehicles while the output heat is recovered by an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) to generate further electricity for hydrogen production in an electrolyzer. In the first design, it is assumed that the SOFC stacks will work full-load during the 24 h of the day, while the second design considers full-load operation for 16 h and part-load (30%) operation for 8 h. The second design of the system analyzes the possibility of integrating a LiMn2O4 lithium-ion battery stores the excessed electricity once the power load is low and acts as a backup in high power demands. Results of the thermodynamic analysis calculated the overall efficiencies of 60.84% and 60.67% for the energy and exergy, respectively, with the corresponding power and hydrogen production of 284.27 kWh and 0.17 g/s. It was observed that higher current density would increase the output of SOFC while reducing the overall energy and exergy efficiencies. In dynamic operation, the use of the batteries can well balance the change of the power loads and improve the dynamic response of the system to the simultaneous changes in the power demand. LCA results also showed that the 284.27kWh system leads to global warming (kg CO2 eq) of 5.17E+05, 4.47E+05, and 5.17E+05 using Solid Oxide Electrolyzer (SOE), Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer (PEME), and Alkaline Electrolyzer (ALE), respectively. In this regard, the usage of PEME has the lowest impact on the environment in comparison to SOEC, and ALE. A comparison between the environmental impacts of different ORC's working fluids also suggested against the usage of R227ea while R152a showed promising results to be used in the system. The size and weight study also revealed that the battery benefits from the lowest volume and weight in comparison to the other components. Among the considered components in this study, the SOFC unit and the PEME have by far the highest volume.
Jan Van Herle, Hossein Pourrahmani