The 12C(n, n), (n, n') and (n, n') 3 α reactions have been studied at 14.1 MeV by a time-of-flight method, with a scintillating scatterer. The angular distributions and integrated cross sections were obtained for the following channels: Q = 0 (0+) and -4.43 MeV (2+) for angles greater than 50°; Q = -7,66 MeV (0+) (8.5 ±2 mb), - 9.63 MeV (3-) (62.5 ±5 mb), - 10.1 MeV (0+ or 2+) (maximum 55 mb) and - 10.84 MeV (1-) (13-17 mb) over the whole angular range; -11.82 MeV (2-) (3-7 mb) for angles smaller than 60°. At low scattered neutron energies a continuum was observed for which the cross section ( ≈ 100 mb, including the scattering to the broad level at 10,1 MeV) and the angular distribution were determined.
Andreas Pautz, Vincent Pierre Lamirand, Oskari Ville Pakari
Alessandro Mapelli, Arnaud Bertsch, Fabrizio Carbone, Veronica Leccese