The angular distributions of the differential cross-sections for scattering of 14.1 MeV neutrons to the Q = 0, – 1.74, – 2.15, – 3.58, – 4.77, – (5.11 + 5.16 + 5.18), – (5.92 + 6.04 + 6.13), – 6.56 and – (6.88 + 7.0) MeV levels of 10B have been measured for 11° ≤ θCM ≤ 164°. They were deduced from the time-of-flight spectra of neutrons scattered by two targets of different 10B and 11B isotopic concentrations, with the help of a Monte-Carlo program which reproduced the measured spectra. Owing to the small values of the measured cross-sections, a precise determination of parasitic events was necessary. The elastic scattering has been analysed by the optical model. A coherent description of the inelastic scattering to the 2.15, 3.58, 5.16 and 6.56 MeV levels has been achieved with the collective DWBA model. The not yet well-defined parity of the Q = – 6.56 MeV level appears to be negative.
Stefano Coda, Joan Decker, Oleg Krutkin, Umesh Kumar, Jean Arthur Cazabonne
Christophe Ballif, Jonathan Emanuel Thomet, Janina Christine Isabelle Löffler, Samira Alexandra Frey, Mohamed Belhaj