Geotechnical problems with total stress changes occurring rapidly relative to the soil consolidation time can be conveniently addressed using an effective stress-based approach. For saturated states, analytical formulations of pore-pressure coefficients adopting coherent effective stress concepts exist. These formulations allow the induced pore water pressure variations , the corresponding effective stress changes to be determined. For unsaturated states, there are no analytical formulations of pore-pressure coefficients that adopt a suitable effective stress concept. This paper presents analytical derivations of pore-pressure coefficients for unsaturated elastic isotropic soils using the generalized effective stress (valid for saturated and unsaturated states) for different total stress changes. The model performance is described , flowcharts to be adopted in engineering practice are provided. Compared with an existing approach that is not based on the effective stress, the proposed one re-quires fewer constitutive parameters (one of which, conveniently, is the soil bulk modulus), allows to analytically obtain the existing expressions for saturated states when the degree of saturation is 1 and to readily determine the retention curve under undrained conditions. Existing experimental data were analysed, and satisfactory interpretations and predictions of the exper-imental results were obtained. The proposed framework is a valuable tool for undrained mechanical analyses of unsaturated soils under different practical applications.
Alessio Ferrari, Gianluca Speranza