Introduction to Programming in JavaCe cours initie à la programmation en utilisant le langage Java. Il ne présuppose pas de connaissance préalable. Les aspects plus avancés (programmation orientée objet) sont donnés dans un cours suiva
Introduction to Programming in JavaLe cours suivi propose une initiation aux concepts de base de la programmation impérative tels que : variables, expressions, structures de contrôle, fonctions/méthodes, ... en les illustrant dans la s
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in C++Le cours suivi propose une introduction aux concepts de base de la programmation orientée objet tels que : encapsulation et abstraction, classes/objets, attributs/méthodes, héritage, polymorphisme, ..
Neuro RoboticsAt the same time, several different tutorials on available data and data tools, such as those from the Allen Institute for Brain Science, provide you with in-depth knowledge on brain atlases, gene exp
NeuroroboticsThe MOOC on Neuro-robotics focuses on teaching advanced learners to design and construct a virtual robot and test its performance in a simulation using the HBP robotics platform. Learners will learn t
NeuroroboticsThe MOOC on Neuro-robotics focuses on teaching advanced learners to design and construct a virtual robot and test its performance in a simulation using the HBP robotics platform. Learners will learn t
Digital Signal Processing [retired]The course provides a comprehensive overview of digital signal processing theory, covering discrete time, Fourier analysis, filter design, sampling, interpolation and quantization; it also includes a