Supplementary files containing datasets needed to reproduce the results of the manuscript "Generative machine learning produces kinetic models that accurately characterize intracellular metabolic states" by S. Choudhury et al ( - Part 3 The code to use with these data and reproduce the manuscript results is available at and The execution of parts of this code is dependent on the SkimPy toolbox ( Refer to the readme files on the RENAISSANCE code repositories for more details. The dataset contains the following files: Distribution_comparison - contains 2 folders No integration test - 10 repeats of RENAISSANCE generated models with 25 generations each with maximal eigenvalues All integration test - 5 repeats of RENAISSANCE with 108 Kms integrate with 25 generations each with maximal eigenvalues Shikki bioreactor -contains 350000 RENAISSANCe generated parameter sets with the corresponding bioreactor simulation solutions. Slow and steady - contains 30 sampled slow steady states and their RENAISSANCE achieved maximal eigenvalues (originally sampled from index 1586 to 1581 from 5000 smaples already provided)
Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Ljubisa Miskovic, Michaël Roger Germain Moret
Katrin Beyer, Igor Tomic, Andrea Penna