This work presents the initial studies on the requirements for the design of 3D coils on EU-DEMO. The use of 3D coils in present machines includes two main purposes: the first one is the Error Field Correction (EFC). The EFC aims at minimizing the intrinsic non-axisymmetric fields in the machine. Fulfilling the requirements is evaluated with the minimization of residual error fields, both in vacuum and with plasma response. The second purpose relates to the application of 3D fields to control the plasma. The first of these control functions includes the manipulation of the locked neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) phase, and their positioning in front of the electron cyclotron antennae, for optimum stabilization. A second function is the application of 3D perturbation of the plasma edge to suppress ELMs. As the fastest required time constant of the applied 3D fields is comparable or longer with respect to that of the vacuum vessel, ex-vessel coils can be considered. Another constraint considered is that the 3D fields applied do not generate 3D power exhaust effects, such as divertor lobes, that jeopardize the protection of the machine divertor/wall. This constriant is met in the finding of this work, in the case considered of the ELMs suppression. The aim of this study is to assess if one set of coils could be designed that fulfills all these purposes/functions. The results show that, by using ITER tolerances for the TF, CS and PF coils, all these functions on EFC (using the overlap criterion assumption, which includes the plasma response), NTM phase control and ELMs suppression can be met with the proposed design of one row of ex vessel coils. An additional activity has started to study if the non-resonant perturbations generated by this set of coils could lead to detrimental effects via neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV) torque. Preliminary considerations on the coil technology, are also presented, with no showstopper found in this preliminary phase.
Stefano Coda, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Cristian Galperti, Federico Pesamosca
Minh Quang Tran, René Chavan, Hartmut Zohm, Konstantinos Avramidis
Olivier Sauter, Minh Quang Tran, Emiliano Fable, Simon Van Mulders, Hartmut Zohm