Bending-active elastica beam is a structural configuration that is based on the elastic deformation of an initially straight beam. This deformation occurs when horizontal displacements are applied to a sliding support, causing the beam to bend into an arched shape. Previous research has focused on the stability of small-scale bendingactive structures, thus not considering material strength, which is crucial in real-scale applications and structural design. This paper investigates the short-term structural behavior of bending-active elastica beams using pultruded glass fiber-polymer composite profiles, as used in real-scale structures. A series of short-term bending and service load application experiments were performed considering different bending degrees and loading scenarios. These results were used to validate finite element modeling. They demonstrated that steeper bent beams experience material failure, while shallower ones exhibit snap-through buckling. Material failure initiates on the tensile side of the beams, with cracks initiating at locations of maximum curvature. Higher bending degrees and symmetric loading result in higher maximum loads than lower bending degrees and asymmetric loading. A strain-based failure criterion, which can serve for structural design, is derived.
Lyesse Laloui, Alessio Ferrari, Eleonora Crisci