This study reports the development of a new Ti-Zr-Mn-based AB 2 type hydrogen storage alloys for a two-stage metal hydride hydrogen compressor (MHHC). The hydrogen storage alloys are designed to compress hydrogen from 35 to 865 bar within a temperature difference of 115 degrees C. High-pressure PCT measurements up to 700 bar were carried out to test the performance of the alloys. The alloys ' hysteresis and the plateau slope were reduced by optimizing the composition. The introduction of fugacity correction into the Van ' t hoff equation reduces the deviation between calculation and actual pressure to 24 bar at a pressure above 350 bar. A precise relation between the Ti/Zr ratio and the desorption pressure is described and helps make a correct design of the alloy composition. The designed alloy shows looses less than 1% of the capacity over 3000 full cycles. The desorption plateau pressure of the alloy is constant within 92% during the whole cycling process. A 2 stages compressor working with two types of alloys offers compression with a temperature range between -20 and 95 degrees C for the refueling hydrogen vehicles up to 865 bar.